
47.Little Monster at School by Mercer Mayer

Mercer Mayer は Clitterシリーズだけでなく このMonsterもシリーズで書いているようです。
Kindergarden に行き始めた子供たちの学校生活が描かれていています。クラスメイトのYally の存在がいい。
YLは0.8 300語


46.The Wizard, the Fairy, and the Magic Chicken

illustrated by Lynn Munsinger

A Wizard, a Fairy, and a Magic Chiken が主人公のこの絵本は イラストがとてもかわいくて楽しい絵本です。

32ページ  読みやすさ0.5


33.The Lost Ship by Stephen Colborn

MMR1 のシリーズ合計13冊 の中の1冊であるThe Lost Ship は16ページでここまでドキドキさせてくれたというGRです。
34.Lucky Number
35. In The Frame
36. The Umbrella
37.Ski Race
38.The Well
39.Blue Fins
40.Sara Says No!
42.The Magic Barber
43.Photo Finish
44. Shooting Stars
45. L.A.Detective


32. I Know an Old Lady illusrated by G. Brian Karas

My first impression was :It was a wired, scary story, however when I read it again and I wanted to listen to the song.


After watching and listeng to the song, I became to like this more.

This seemed to be popular , therefore some people produced movies. In addition, I found out the other version : There was an old woman.


I think you will like it!


31. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Chiristelow

'Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed'

それでも、head, bed, said と韻を踏んだリズムが子供たちの耳に楽しく響くということなのでしょう。


29.Great Snakes! by Fay Robinson

30. Mighty Spiders!
Hello Reader!
Level2 Kindergarten -Grade2
Scholastic の science 関連の絵本。緻密な絵が図鑑顔負けに描いてあります。


28.The Crocodile and the Dentist by Taro Gomi

The crocodile has a toothache, but he's afraid of the dentist.And the dentist is afraid of him too!What will they do?

The Original picture book is, of course, " Wanisan doki, Haishasan doki' by Taro Gomi who has been really popular in Japan.

This book was really favorite one for my children even before we had moved to the USA. They liked to repeat the sentences after my reading without tiring.

When I found this English virsion at a book store in the USA, I was really surprised and glad to know that one of Japanese writer's books was translated in English.
Of course my children were so pleased to read this in both languages.

「わにさんどきっ はいしゃさんどきっ」五味太郎


英語バージョンをアメリカの本屋さんで見つけたときは、本当にびっくりしたし、日本の作家のものが英語に訳されていることも大変嬉しいことでした。 もちろん子供たちも両方の言葉で楽しみました。


25.Arthur's teacher Trouble

Marc Brown's Arthur Adventures シリーズ 合計4冊(2枚CD-Romあり)

26.Arthur's Pet Business

27. Arthur's Chicken Pox

YL1.1から1.8 500語から800語  幅があります。

According to the website of Marc Brown's, there are 30 books in Arthur Adventures series.


24.Arthur's Birthday by Marc Brown

Arthur is excited to invite his classmates at his birthday party. But unfortunately, Muffy also has a plan to have her birthday party on the same day. That's the trouble for not only Arthur and Muffy, but all the friends invited.

Can they resolve this problem?

I have a CD-ROM too. It is good to read and listen to this on computer and also to enjoy some option talk by click the picture.



23.Papa, please get the moon for me by Eric Carle

" I wish I could play with the moon" thought Monica,




How brave Monica's father is!
He climbs up and up to the moon.
I would like to make any dream of my children come true like Monica's father, it is tough though.

I have wanted to show how wonderful English and reading are.
One of my friends gave me a chance to make my dream come true : I read this book for the people who joined in the event at the city library several years ago.



22.Patrick and Ted by Geoffrey Hayes

Patric is Ted's best friend.
Ted is Patric's.
So why are they fighting?
親友について書いてあるのですが、とても絵がかわいいのです。 この絵本は私自身が本当に好きで何回読んでもいいなと思います。


21.Shoes From Grandpa by Mem Fox

Jessie, an active girl of nine or so, is growing out of her clothes, so the menbers of her large and loving family will buy new wardrobe, such as shoes from granpa, a skirt from Mom, a blouse from her cousin, a sweater from her sister, etc etc.

Jessie, however, speaks her mind: ' You're all so kind that I hate to be mean, but please, would one of you buy me some jeans?'
I like Jessie's free spirit.
My daughter had been the same as Jessie.She liked jeans the best and didn't wear any skirt and dress at all when she was in her lower grader.
One day,however, maybe on Mothers Day she put on a skirt and said to me,' Mom, only today I will wear the skirt for you. I know that you want to see me be like a cute girl.'
Oh, her words made me laugh and be happy for her consideration.

Now she is twenty-one year old, she wears skirt often. :D


20.Mama,Do You Love Me? by Barbara M. Joosse

I really recommend that you should listen to audio with this book.
A little girl asks her mother if her mother always loves her even when she does badly.
Her mother answeres the questions in so affectionate way.
You will be able to find so warm conversation in it.

This time I am interested in the writer, Barbara M. Joosse again.
Reading her website, I knew about her and liked her and her life more. I respect her message for Children's right.
You can listen to her interview too.




17.I Like Books by Anthony Browne

I like books. で始まるこの絵本、

Books about dinosaurs, and books about monsters.

Monsters の胸に抱かれている主人公のおサルさんが、なんとも本当に心地よさそうです。


YL o.2   50語

This book was simple , but the pictures shows how a little monkey loves books. See, a monkey looks so happy in monsters with book!


16.Ducks,Ducks,Ducks by Carolyn Otto

ducks half awake
ducks in the morning


dipping ducks
dripping ducks
dunking duckling ducks・・・


first grader だった娘が授業で頑張った時クラスで頂いたもので、担任の先生から頂いたメッセージが裏表紙に書いてあります。
'' Gotcha Being Good " Mrs H.

When my daughter was in the first grader, Mrs H., her teacher gave her this book for a winner at class spellig bee contest or something like that.
I remenber my daughter showed this book and the note from her teacher proudly.
Mrs H has sent Cristmas card every year, I really appreciate her kindness.


15.The Alphabet Book by P.D.Eastman

American ants
Bird on bike
Cow in car
Zebra with zither

1ページに一つの絵とそれぞれの言葉(文じゃないですね)があるだけです。  YL 0.2 or 0.3 かな?



その他のAll Aboard Reading Picture Readers のシリーズ

10.Otto the Cat

11.Don't Wake the Baby

12.Silly Willy

13Where is My Broom?

14.Birthday Bike ( 追加)

All Aboard Reading Picture Readers は合計で6冊持っていました。



9.Picky Nicky by Cathy East Dubowski and Mark Dubowski

All Aboard Reading Picture Readers のシリーズです。
YL o.5
I would rather eat bees and parrots
        than pees and carrots.
bees ,parrots, pees ,carrots が絵になってるので、字の読めない子供たちと読むときに、絵の部分の単語を子どもが一緒に言うかも・・・・


その他の Little Critter

2.Just Me and My Dad

3.I was mad

4.Just Grandma and Me

5. Just for You

6.When I Get Bigger

7.The New Baby

8.Just go to bed

合計で8冊ありました。 23ページ、200語から300語です。YL o.5


1.Me too by Mercer Mayer

学生時代、英語が苦手だった私が初めて読んで  大好きになって何度も読んだ絵本です。

Little Critter のシリーズです。
